The ApplePickers Bylaws

  1. The name of this organization shall be The ApplePickers, Inc.
  2. The purpose of The ApplePickers shall be to learn, help others to learn; use and enjoy computers through guest speakers, member input, and exchange of ideas, and to disseminate all forms of information, hardware, and software from Apple clubs, users, computer-related industries, and Apple Computer Corp. It shall be the club's intent to promote good will among club members and to keep business meetings as short as possible.
    1. The ApplePickers, Inc., is organized exclusively for educational purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Service Law). Upon dissolution of The ApplePickers, Inc., all monies shall be donated to the United Way of Central Indiana.
  3. Membership is open to responsible individuals interested in Apple computers. Membership shall be obtained by application in writing to an officer. Membership approval is not required unless requested by an officer within 45 days of receipt of application. Individual membership for dues-paying individuals entitled to all the privileges of the club in accordance with its constitution. The executive committee may establish and modify membership categories.
  4. The dues shall be $25 annually from the date paid. Active membership is reinstated whenever the annual payment is made. The amount of the dues may be adjusted by the executive committee to any amount less than or equal to $25.00. Dues of the ApplePickers, Inc. will be set by majority vote of those attending a regularly scheduled business meeting. Dues may not be increased more than once per calendar year.
  5. The officers shall be a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer elected annually at the regular membership meeting in March. Elections shall be by open nominations from the floor with secret ballot voting. A majority vote of the members present is required for election to office. Succession in office is allowed by a three-fourths affirmative vote of the voting members represented (members present and absentee ballots). Officers assume their duties after adjournment of the election meeting. If a quorum is not present at this said election meeting, then the election is postponed to the next membership meeting with a quorum present. This constitution recognizes that officers may develop business or personal responsibilities that necessitate a simple written resignation. If an officer misses 3 consecutive meetings or a total of 5 meetings in one election year, then a vacancy is deemed to exist. Vacancies shall be filled by election as above at the next meeting.
  6. The treasury will be used to further the purpose of the club as stated.
  7. A librarian or librarians shall be appointed by the president. The librarian(s) shall organize and correlate materials that members may wish to exchange.
  8. The board of directors shall be made up of the elected officers, the librarian(s), any standing committee chairmen, and no more than four additional designated individuals as appointed by the president and vice-president who will serve as directors at large. The board of directors shall transact any such business agreed to at the monthly business meeting, and make business recommendations to the membership.
  9. The standard for procedures shall be Robert's Rules of Order Revised unless otherwise stated in the constitution. A quorum necessary to transact business shall be two-thirds of the average attendance of the last 3 meetings. The order of business shall include an early roll call and dues paying period.
  10. The constitution may be amended as follows: A proposal may be read at any regular business meeting. Except for the mailing, it shall be the author's responsibility to see that sufficient copies of the proposal are ready for mailing to all active members within one week of said reading. The secretary shall add the addresses and carry out the mailing along with the next newsletter. At the second regular business meeting after the proposal has been mailed and if a quorum is present, the amendment is passed by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present. The club shall reimburse the author for costs of postage, envelopes, and copying at appropriate reasonable rates.
  11. Absentee balloting is permitted for election of officers. A simple signed ballot must be available to the officers and to the ballot counters at the time of voting.
  12. It will be the intent of this organization to maintain the confidentiality of membership information.
  13. No member of the board of directors or individual at a regular meeting offering advise to another member or guest will be held liable for that advise if it results in material loss to the member seeking advise.

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